This week's parashah is about, pardon the expression, the anti-Moshe. Korach and his gang of fellow travelers and sycophants is set against Moshe as embodying precisely the opposite qualities as those which made Moshe fit for leadership. Both were wise, strong and wealthy, we are told, but while Moshe was the humblest of all men, Korach was full of himself. But before we jump to a satisfying dismissal of Korach, let's first allow him to speak and examine his claims – perhaps we'll be able to understand more deeply whence his self-immolating, doomed-from-the-start uprising. "All the assembly, all of them, are holy, and the Eternal is in their midst!", Korach intones. Truer words were never spoken. After all, didn't Hashem say, "They shall make Me a sanctuary that I might dwell amongst them " (Shemot 25:8)? And didn't Hashem exclaim, "You shall be holy, for holy am I, Hashem, Who sanctifies you"? So what was so wrong wi...
Thoughts and insights on the weekly Parashah, Daff Yomi, and whatever else I may be learning or brooding about, ranging from pedantic grammatical observations to sweeping generalizations of dubious provenance. Enjoy!